(604) 375-8831
My Story
In 1997 I witnessed the birth of my nephew. Like many other birth professionals, witnessing this first birth changed so much for me. But my love of birth remained only a 'hobby' for the next decade+. In my previous life, I worked for the Federal Government & was the "weirdo" in the office who had been to other people's births 'for fun'.
Originally from the Maritimes and after spending 7 years in Central Canada, my job brought me to BC in early 2006 & I happened to have a friend who was a doula & who worked at a Midwifery Clinic in Vancouver. This opened up an entire new world to me but it wasn't until I met someone who was trained in Hypnosis - who told me they focused on pain management (!?!), that I really felt compelled to make a career move.
That was in 2008.
I 'officially' became a doula, completed numerous courses in hypnosis (focusing on fertility, pregnancy & birth), got a job working at a midwife clinic and signed up for the first Hypnobabies Instructor training that was available.
I started teaching Hypnobabies in 2009 & went on to use the program myself for both my own births literally after teaching the course more than 100 times over 6 years to hundreds of couples!
* Click here to learn more about why I chose Hypnobabies and/or about my own Hypno Births!
I had the honour to develop & collaborate on offering several other workshops (Early Pregnancy, Pre-Conception, Stress Reduction & Fertility, Miscarriage Support, etc) and also offered doula trainings and workshops.
After 6 years of focusing on only my prenatal classes and getting / being pregnant, giving birth and raising my own babies I was happy to re-join the team at Bloom Community Midwives supporting their wonderful team in a very flexible, part-time, administrative capacity from early 2021 until their closing in July 2023. I also began working with Aveta Midwifery in a very similar role in mid 2023 (I just really love supporting midwives).
After more than a decade supporting parents & families though education, I knew without a doubt that this is where my passion truly lies (as I say to my kids: "It makes my heart happy") and I knew that I wanted to offer more.
My newest offerings have been inspired by my own journey into parenting. I know first-hand the challenges that often come up for parents. I understand that welcoming a child into your family can literally change everything. I know the importance of continuing to work on your relationship so that your child (& your partnership) can thrive. I know how easily we can be triggered as parents when responding to our own children's behaviours, reactions and oh yes - those BIG feelings!
Continued Below...
2022: Time for a Shift
Propelled by my youngest starting Kindergarten, I certified as a Positive Discipline Parent Educator in the late spring of 2022 and did the Bringing Baby Home Facilitator training at the end of that year. I've also finally started making time to develop some of the other workshops that have been on my mind for years now! I had also been considering a brand change (formerly "HypnoMammas") to reflect not only an expanded offering but also to be more inclusive.
Please click on the links below to learn more about the various programs that I'm certified to teach and very excited to be offering. Also, stay tuned as the workshops I'm offering continue to evolve (let me know if there is a knowledge gap that YOU'd like to see filled!).
If you're interested in learning more about me; the way I speak and present information, the energy I bring to my classes, etc, please reach out and we can schedule a call so that I can answer any questions you may have!
I look forward to connecting.